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Join or renew your GGCS Membership

To join or renew using PayPal, log in to with your personal Paypal account ID and password. Click on “pay or send money”.  Choose as the account to send money to and pick the amount, e.g. $24 for a full year family membership. Confirm the payment and choose method of payment, e.g. PayPal balance, credit or bank account. PayPal will send the treasurer a confirmation that money has been sent to our account. Your contact information will be added to the database and you will receive a welcome letter with your membership card. Your email address will be added to the list to receive the newsletter notification and for weekly announcements of GGCS classes and events

Use the “message” field to indicate whether you are a “new” applicant or a “renewal”.

To join or renew your membership in the Golden Gate Computer Society by mail, please mail your check for $24 for a one-year family membership. This entire membership fee is tax deductible under our 501(c)3 non-profit status.

To join the Golden Gate Computer Society, please print, complete and mail this form, along with your check for $24 for a one-year family membership. This entire membership fee is tax deductible under our 501(c)3 non-profit status.

Name: ___________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________

City: ________________________ State: _______ Zip:___________

Home phone: ____________________________________________

Fax/ Cell phone: __________________________________________

E-Mail address: __________________________________________

Check here if this is a renewal: ____

Send this to:

Golden Gate Computer Society

P.O.Box 150624

San Rafael, CA 94915-0624

  • This link will take directly to Paypal.

    Please check out our website at to find out about our meetings and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

    Find us on FaceBook at

    If you are interested in becoming a GGCS volunteer, please contact us at

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